Bike-Share Case Study
An analysis of bike share data from Chicago with recommendations for marketing and expansion
Upgrading Casual Users to Members
In this capstone project for the Data Analytics Career Certificate from Google and Coursera, I examine rideshare data from a company in Chicago and make recommendations for specific requests to the marketing team.
For my analysis, I looked into the differences between how casual rider and members used the Cyclistic service. I examined length of rentals, usage for each day of the week, concentrations of activity and distances traveled. Uncovering trends, I made specific recommendations to the marketing team on what services casual riders appear to desire as well as how and where to market those services in order to maximize the likelihood of having those casual riders upgrade to membership.
Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel were utilized for analysis and visualizations for individual months. RStudio provided the platform to perform large scale data work and Tableau was used to create the geographic visualization of Chicago bike stations.